Rebranding for Kelgwo, a textile atelier located in Chiloé, Chile. Twenty years after its opening, its creator Marcia Mansilla wanted to celebrate this milestone by consolidating her brand with a new visual identity.
Kelgwo (Chile)
Marcia Mansilla (Chile)
Scope of Work
Logo Design
Identity Guidelines
Business Card
Packaging Systems
Social Media Content
In Detail
Kelgwo is a textile atelier located on the island of Chiloé, Chile, which is the creation of the costume designer Marcia Mansilla. It stands out for producing garments and ornaments in a unique contemporary style and for using local materials treated with artisanal technologies typical of its region. Twenty years after its opening, Marcia wanted to celebrate this anniversary with a complete redefinition of her brand.
In the new logo, the letter “K” —which represented Kelgwo for so long— disappears to become the space between the two elements that give shape to the atelier’s labor: the natural fibers of sheep’s wool represented in vertical rectangles and the particular archipelago geography of Chiloé in the form of a triangle to illustrate a “puntilla”, the tip of an island over the horizon and its reflection in the sea.
A typeface made by Latinotype, Chilean designers with their studio located in the south of Chile, was chosen for Kelgwo’s new logo to highlight a sense of origin and belonging to this specific geographical zone.
Diverse applications were produced once the new logo was done. This task included the design of textile labels for branding, sizing, and garment care; printed tags, fabric and paper bags, packaging materials, business cards, and promotion on social networks, among many other details to enhance each experience with the brand.
This rebranding was made under the art direction of Macarena Valdés and followed the concepts provided by Marcia Mansilla, who now owns all legal rights to the design here presented. Thank you Marcia, for such a lovely opportunity. It was a pleasure to redesign the visual identity of your project. Long live Kelgwo for many more years!

What the Client said
Beautifully done, impeccable and meticulous work, love it!